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Fractured Onlay

Available Treatment Options

» Replacement of Onlay


Fractured Onlay


Tackling Fractured Tooth Onlays in Kerala

Understanding Fractured Tooth Onlays:

A fractured tooth onlay occurs when the custom-crafted restoration, covering the tooth's surface, becomes compromised or damaged. Timely intervention is essential to prevent further issues.


Common Causes:

Biting Forces: 

Excessive biting or grinding can lead to onlay fractures.

Normal Wear

Over time, onlays may wear, requiring replacement for optimal function.

Accidental Trauma

Sudden impact or injury can result in onlay damage.

Material Issues: 

Degradation or structural issues with the onlay material.


Immediate Actions:

Rinse Gently

Use warm water to cleanse the mouth and remove debris.

Avoid Chewing

Minimize using the affected side to prevent additional damage.

Pain Management

Over-the-counter pain relievers can help manage discomfort.

Consult a Professional

Seek prompt dental attention for a thorough evaluation.


Expert Treatment Options:

Comprehensive Assessment: 

Evaluate the extent of the onlay fracture and overall tooth health.

Onlay Replacement: 

Precise removal of the damaged onlay and placement of a new restoration.

Tooth Examination

Ensure the tooth's structural integrity and address underlying concerns.

Preventive Guidance

Tips to maintain oral health and prevent future onlay issues.


Why Choose Us in Ernakulam, Kerala:

In Ernakulam, Kochi, Kerala, our dental experts specialize in addressing fractured tooth onlays. Utilizing advanced techniques and personalized care, we ensure seamless restoration, preserving both form and function for a radiant smile.


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