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Crooked tooth

Crooked tooth


Straightening Crooked Teeth in Kochi, Kerala

What are Crooked Teeth?

Crooked teeth refer to misaligned or irregularly positioned teeth that deviate from the normal dental alignment. This common dental issue can impact both aesthetics and oral function.


Causes of Crooked Teeth:


Inherited factors play a significant role in determining the alignment of your teeth.

Jaw Size Discrepancy: 

If the upper jaw is smaller than the lower jaw, there might not be enough space for all the teeth to align properly. This can result in crowding, where the teeth may overlap or become misaligned due to the limited space.

Thumb Sucking or Pacifier Use: 

Prolonged habits can affect the proper development of teeth and jaw.

Missing Teeth: 

Gaps left by missing teeth can cause adjacent teeth to shift.

Poor Dental Care: 

Inadequate oral hygiene and delayed orthodontic intervention may contribute.

Premature Loss of Baby Teeth:

This occurs because the adjacent teeth may shift into the vacant space before the permanent tooth is ready to erupt. The lack of proper spacing can result in misalignment and crowding of the incoming adult teeth. 


Treatment Options:

Orthodontic Braces: 

Traditional braces effectively align and straighten crooked teeth.

Seeking timely orthodontic intervention is crucial to manage and correct alignment issues caused by the premature loss of a baby tooth in children.

Invisalign or Clear Aligners: 

Transparent aligners provide a discreet alternative to braces.

Dental Crowns, Bridges or Veneers: 

For mild cases, crowns, bridges or veneers can enhance the appearance of crooked teeth.


Here's why addressing Crowded Teeth is important:

Preventing Periodontal Disease:

Crowded teeth create pockets where bacteria thrive, leading to plaque formation and increasing the risk of periodontal disease. If left untreated, this condition can progress, potentially resulting in tooth loss.

Enhancing Oral Hygiene Efforts:

Cleaning crooked teeth is challenging, as conventional brushing and flossing may not effectively reach between misaligned teeth. This difficulty in maintaining proper oral hygiene can contribute to various dental complications.

Avoiding Tooth Wear and Tear:

Misaligned teeth may experience friction during everyday activities like chewing, causing wear and tear on tooth enamel. This continuous abrasion can lead to issues such as cracking, erosion, or even tooth breakage.

Reducing Susceptibility to Injuries:

Crowded or protruding teeth are more prone to injuries, such as chipping or fracturing, especially during accidents or normal jaw actions while eating.

Improving Chewing Function:

Protruding teeth can disrupt normal jaw alignment, making chewing difficult. This interference can result in inadequate digestion and poor absorption of nutrients.


Care for Crooked Teeth in Kochi, Kerala:

If you're concerned about crooked teeth, consult with our orthodontist or dentist in Kochi, Kerala.. Personalized treatment plans can address your specific needs, improving both the function and aesthetics of your smile.


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