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Overlapping Teeth


Overlapping Teeth


Embrace a Confident Smile- Correct your Overlapping Teeth in Kerala


What are Overlapping Front Teeth?

Overlapping front teeth, often referred to as dental overlap or teeth crowding, occur when there is insufficient space in the jaw for teeth to align properly. This misalignment can lead to teeth overlapping or crossing each other.


Causes of Overlapping Front Teeth:


Inherited traits can contribute to dental misalignments, including overlapping front teeth.

Jaw Size Discrepancy: 

A mismatch between jaw size and teeth can result in crowding or overlapping. If the upper jaw is smaller than the lower jaw, there might not be enough space for all the teeth to align properly. This can result  in crowding, where the teeth may overlap or become misaligned due to the limited space.

Early Tooth Loss: 

Premature loss of baby teeth can impact the eruption pattern of permanent teeth, causing overlap. This occurs because the adjacent teeth may shift into the vacant space before the permanent tooth is ready to erupt.

Thumb Sucking

Prolonged thumb sucking in childhood may affect the proper development of teeth, leading to overlap.

Malpositioned Teeth: 

Abnormal positioning of teeth in the jaw can contribute to overlap.


Treatment for Overlapping Front Teeth in Ernakulam:

Traditional braces:

Effective for gradually shifting misaligned teeth into proper position.


Clear aligners offer a discreet and comfortable alternative to conventional braces.


Prevent relapse and maintain the corrected position of teeth after orthodontic treatment.

Palatal Expanders: 

Widening the upper jaw to create more space for teeth alignment.

Tooth Extraction:

In cases of severe overcrowding, extraction of one or more teeth may be recommended to create space after which braces are given.

Dental bonding: 

Reshaping and contouring overlapping teeth for a more uniform appearance.


Thin, custom-made shells that cover the front surface of teeth, improving their alignment.


Caps that cover individual teeth, restoring their shape and alignment.


Replace missing teeth, helping maintain proper spacing and preventing overlap.


Why Address Overlapping Front Teeth?

Enhanced Aesthetics

Achieve a more symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing smile.

Improved Oral Health

Reduce the risk of decay and gum disease associated with crowded teeth.

Functional Benefits

Enhance proper biting, chewing, and speech functions.

Boosted Confidence

Overcoming overlapping front teeth contributes to increased self-esteem.


For personalized solutions to address overlapping front teeth in Ernakulam, Kochi, Kerala, consult with our experienced dental professionals. Rediscover the joy of smiling with confidence!


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