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Extruded/ Avulsed Tooth


Extruded/ Avulsed Tooth


Expert Care for Extruded or Avulsed Teeth in Children: Kerala's Trusted Pediatric Dentistry

Understanding Extruded or Avulsed Teeth in Children:

Extrusion occurs when a tooth is partially displaced from its socket, and avulsion is the complete displacement of the tooth. In children, these incidents often result from falls, sports injuries, or accidental bites. The primary concern is to address the situation promptly to ensure proper healing and minimize long-term effects.


Causes of Extruded or Avulsed Teeth in Children:

Accidental Falls: 

Children are naturally active, and falls are common. Traumatic dental injuries can happen during play or daily activities.

Sports Injuries: 

Lack of proper mouthguards during sports activities increases the risk of dental trauma.

Accidental Bites: 

Children may bite into hard objects or foods, leading to dental injuries.


Treatment Approaches:

Emergency Dental Care: 

Immediate attention is crucial. Our pediatric dentists in Ernakulam provide emergency care to minimize trauma and assess the extent of the injury.


For avulsed teeth, especially permanent ones, splinting may be recommended. This involves stabilizing the tooth with a splint to promote proper healing.

Follow-up Care: 

Regular monitoring is essential to track the healing progress. Our team ensures thorough follow-up appointments to address any emerging issues and adjust the treatment plan if needed.


Avulsion or Extrusion of Teeth: What to Do for Adults and Children

Avulsion (complete displacement) or extrusion (partial displacement) of teeth can be distressing for both adults and children. Immediate action is crucial to minimize damage and enhance the chances of successful treatment.


For Avulsed Adult Tooth:

Handle with Care: 

Hold the tooth by the crown (top), avoiding contact with the root. Touching the root can damage the cells necessary for reattachment.

Rinse Gently: 

If the tooth is dirty, rinse it briefly under cold running water. Do not use soap or scrub the tooth, and avoid touching the root surface.

Reposition if Possible: 

Try to reinsert the tooth into the socket gently. Hold it in place by gently biting on a clean cloth or gauze.

Transport Safely: 

If reinsertion is not possible, transport the tooth in a container with milk, saline solution, or the person's saliva. Time is critical; aim to see a dentist within 30 minutes.

Emergency Dental Care: 

Seek emergency dental care immediately. Time is a significant factor in successfully reattaching an avulsed tooth.


For Extruded Adult Tooth:

Avoid Force: 

Do not attempt to force the tooth back into place, if it's been more than an hour since the tooth extruded. Leave it in its current position.

Control Bleeding: 

Use a clean cloth or gauze to apply gentle pressure to control bleeding.

Contact Emergency Dental Services: 

Seek emergency dental care promptly for professional evaluation and treatment.


For Avulsion or Extrusion of Baby Teeth:

Avulsed Baby Tooth: 

Do not attempt to re-implant a baby tooth. Apply a clean cloth or gauze to control bleeding and contact our paediatric dentistry clinic for guidance.

Extruded Baby Tooth: 

Do not force the tooth back into place. Contact our paediatric dentistry clinic promptly for professional advice.


Why Choose Us in Ernakulam:

Our paediatric dentistry team in Ernakulam, Kochi, Kerala, specializes in providing child-friendly care. We create a supportive environment to alleviate anxiety and ensure a positive experience during treatment. Your child's dental health is our top priority.


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