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Fractured/ Cracked Baby Tooth


Fractured/ Cracked Baby Tooth


Fractured or Cracked Baby and Adult Tooth in Children: Expert Care in Kochi, Kerala

A fractured or cracked tooth in children, whether baby or adult, demands immediate attention to ensure optimal oral health. Understanding the causes, recognizing symptoms, and seeking prompt treatment are crucial for preserving the affected tooth and preventing complications.


Causes of Fractured or Cracked Teeth in Children:


Falls, accidents, or blows to the face can lead to tooth fractures.

Biting on Hard Objects: 

Chewing on hard objects or foods can cause cracks in teeth.

Tooth Decay

Untreated cavities weaken teeth, making them more susceptible to fractures.

Sports Injuries

Lack of protective gear during sports activities can result in dental injuries.


The eruption of baby teeth can sometimes cause minor cracks.


Symptoms of Fractured or Cracked Teeth in Children:


Persistent pain or discomfort while chewing or biting.


Increased sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures.

Visible Cracks

Observable cracks or fractures on the tooth's surface.


Swelling or inflammation of the gums around the affected tooth.


Expert Treatment in Ernakulam, Kochi, Kerala:

Dental Examination: 

Our paediatric dentists conduct a detailed examination to assess the extent of the fracture.


Imaging may be used to evaluate the internal condition of the tooth.

Dental Bonding: 

For minor fractures, dental bonding with the help of tooth coloured filling material may be recommended to restore the tooth.

Crown Placement: 

In cases of extensive fractures, a dental crown may be placed to protect and strengthen the tooth.

Pulpotomy or Pulpectomy

If the dental pulp is affected, a pulpotomy or pulpectomy may be performed to address the issue.

Pulpotomy: This is a partial removal of the pulp (the inner tissue of the tooth) that is diseased or injured. It aims to preserve the healthy portion of the pulp and maintain the vitality of the tooth.

Pulpectomy: This involves the complete removal of the pulp if it is irreversibly damaged. After removing the pulp, the space is cleaned, disinfected, and filled to prevent infection.

Pain Management

Medications are provided to manage pain and discomfort.


Specialized Care for Adult Teeth in Children:

For fractured or cracked adult teeth in children, additional treatments may include:

Root Canal Treatment: 

If the damage extends to the dental pulp, a root canal may be performed to remove the affected tissue.

Orthodontic Intervention: 

In cases affecting permanent teeth, orthodontic solutions may be considered for proper alignment.


Why Choose Our Pediatric Dentistry Services in Ernakulam, Kochi, Kerala:

Child-Centric Approach: 

We offer a child-friendly atmosphere to ensure a positive dental experience.

Skilled Pediatric Dentists

Rely on our experienced paediatric dentists for expert care.

Emergency Services

Swift response to dental emergencies, including fractured or cracked teeth.


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