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Overjet Unveiled: Navigating Causes and Solutions in Kerala


Decoding Overjet:

Overjet, often referred to as "protrusion" or "buck teeth," occurs when the upper front teeth are much more forwardly placed than normal and extend beyond the lower front teeth horizontally. This misalignment can affect both children and adults.


Common Causes of Overjet:

Genetic Predisposition

Inherited factors play a significant role, with certain families exhibiting a tendency for overjet.

Thumb Sucking or Pacifier Use

Prolonged habits can impact jaw development, contributing to the development of overjet.

Tongue Thrust

Incorrect tongue posture, where the tongue pushes against the front teeth, may lead to overjet.


Visible Signs and Impact:

Aesthetic Concerns: 

Overjet can affect facial aesthetics and impact one's confidence.

Increased Risk of Trauma

Protruding front teeth are more susceptible to injury in case of accidents.

Speech Impediments

Pronunciation and speech patterns may be affected in some cases.


Tailored Treatment Options:

Orthodontic Correction

Braces or clear aligners are commonly used to reposition teeth and address overjet.

Functional Appliances

Devices like headgear or Forsus appliances may be recommended, especially in growing children.

Surgical Intervention

In severe cases, corrective jaw surgery may be considered for a comprehensive solution.


Our Expertise in Ernakulam, Kerala:

At Ernakulam, Kerala we specialize in diagnosing and treating overjet. Our experienced team employs state-of-the-art orthodontic techniques and personalized solutions to correct overjet and restore optimal dental alignment for a confident and functional smile.


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