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Long Tooth


Long Tooth


Embrace Your Ideal Smile - Long Tooth Solutions in Kochi, Kerala


പല്ലുകളുടെ ആകൃതിയിൽ ഉള്ള വ്യത്യാസം ഏതൊരാളുടെയും ആത്മവിശ്വാസത്തെ ബാധിക്കുന്നു. നിങ്ങളുടെ മുഖത്തിന് അനുസരിച്ചുള്ള പല്ലുകൾ അല്ല എങ്കിൽ  അത്യാധുനിക ദന്ത  ചികിത്സാ രീതിയുടെ സഹായത്തോടെ അവ ശെരിയാക്കാം .

Embracing the charm of prominent front teeth is a trend that many individuals appreciate, as it can add a youthful and captivating focal point to your smile. However, if you find yourself dissatisfied with the appearance of your large front teeth, leading to self-consciousness, rest assured that there are solutions to enhance the aesthetics of your smile.


Understanding Long Tooth Concerns:

Long tooth concerns can manifest in various ways, including:

Excessive Tooth Length:

Teeth that appear longer than the ideal proportion, affecting smile harmony.

Gum Exposure:

Excessive display of gums, often leading to a less aesthetically pleasing smile.

Functional Challenges:

Long teeth may contribute to difficulties in maintaining proper oral hygiene and bite function.


Tailored Solutions for Long Tooth Correction:

Our dental specialists in Ernakulam provide personalized treatments to address long tooth concerns, ensuring both aesthetic appeal and optimal oral function:

Comprehensive Evaluation:

In-depth assessments to understand the extent of long tooth concerns and their impact.

Gum Contouring:

Precise reshaping of gums to achieve a harmonious balance between teeth and gum exposure.

Dental Contouring:

Artful reshaping of tooth surfaces to achieve optimal length and proportion.

Orthodontic Interventions:

Customized orthodontic solutions to address tooth misalignment contributing to excessive length.

Veneers and Bonding:

Application of dental veneers or bonding techniques for a cosmetically appealing result.

Choose Kerala for Long Tooth Solutions:

Embrace the opportunity to redefine your smile, addressing long tooth concerns with precision and care. Choose Ernakulam, Kerala for a transformative journey toward a confident and aesthetically pleasing smile.

By understanding individual needs and preferences, our specialists create personalized treatment plans that align with facial features, ensuring a balanced and natural-looking smile.




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