You may have had a dental crown fitted in the past but what you may not know is whatever material they are made fr ..
Treatment Longevity :
Short Term
Treatment Duration : 15-20 minutes
Primary teeth are more susceptible to tooth decay because they have a thinner enamel layer than permanent teeth. Additionally, the pulp layer in primary teeth is much closer to the surface of the tooth, which means pulp infections can occur more easily in primary teeth.
Stainless steel crowns are tooth-shaped caps that fit over an entire tooth. They are commonly used in paediatric dentistry as a way of preserving baby teeth that have become significantly decayed or damaged. Although the primary teeth will eventually be lost to make room for permanent teeth, it is important that they are not lost prematurely. The premature loss of baby teeth can cause a variety of complications that can ultimately affect the permanent teeth. Therefore, stainless steel crowns provide protection for baby teeth until they are naturally lost.
Sometimes deciduous teeth are so badly decayed that they require root treatment. Such treated teeth are considerably weakened and can be fitted with Stainless Steel Crowns to preserve them until they are replaced by permanent teeth. Deciduous teeth fitted with Primary Stainless Steel Crowns exfoliate (come out) naturally with the appearance of the underlying permanent tooth. Primary Stainless Steel Crowns stay attached to the treated tooth on exfoliation.
You may have had a dental crown fitted in the past but what you may not know is whatever material they are made fr ..
1.Brush Gently
Vigorous brushing won’t make your teeth any cleaner, but it ..
1.Trimming The Tooth
The first part of any veneer procedure is to trim the ename ..